Thursday, January 25, 2007

I am a hobbit.

It was cold today, so I didn't do much. It is in general hard for me to get motivated when I am cold. Possibly this makes San Francisco a bad place for me to live. But I love many things that are here.

Like my landpeople. They are making me a new room, so that my beloved roommate can go live with her parents again. I was worried about the new room--last time I saw it, the walls still had holes in them, sheetrock abounded, and there was still an illegal inherited kitchen to rip out. Now I'm thinking this might actually be all right.

Alas, though there are plans for a roman-style mural and garden on the wall my window faces, this probably will not be completed for many months. You see, the backyard is currently concrete, and a jackhammer must first intervene. But my hopes are high. The room is large enough for a full mattress, my desk, and (hopefully) one tall bookshelf. The closet is big enough to put a vanity inside it.

The vanity I should be picking up on Saturday apparently hails from a salon--there are lightbulbs 'round the mirror, and small drawers in the table bit, and it looks high off the ground. This is good because I will be able to put shoes and plastic drawers underneath it, and thus, all my organizational problems will be solved. It helps that my organizational problems are small.

I will post pictures when I get a chance. But for now, content yourself with the description that the room is small and hobbit-like, which suits me just fine.

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